Thursday, May 5, 2011

Come Rest In the Shade

So, inaugural post for a blog that's been mouldering for a while. I'm trying this whole "Web 2.0" thing, see if a Luddite like me can get anything from it. So once upon a time there was this guy:

He's a Chinese philosopher named Chuang Tze, who once talked to a guy who criticized his philosophy. The man said "Master Chuang Tze, your philosophy reminds me of a tree I have. It's big, gnarly, with twisting roots and branches. I can't get any good wood out of it, it bears no fruit! That's what your words are like, interesting but useless."

Chuang Tze said, "you're complaining just because your tree's useless to you? You should sit in its shade, take a break. What's wrong with being useless?"

And I liked that attitude a lot. Not so much because people are useless, but because people do useless things. We make comics or we run marathons or we breed weird pigeons. And it's fun! That's the way I see this blog, which is mainly going to be about my own useless interests. But really, what's wrong with that?

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